Washroom Services
This is one of the most critical areas of cleaning within any building. An area closely scrutinised by staff and visitors, and really reflects on the building and Clients within. We understand the demands and challenges that washroom management has, and it’s critical that hour to hour, day to day we are checking and assessing our delivery to ensure the highest level of cleanliness is achieved.
We monitor every aspect of the washrooms within a building. Looking at product use, key refill times, footfall, spikes in usage, convenience, consumables, style and ergonomics of the washroom. With this information we outline the best solution to ensure the experience staff and visitors have to each washroom is consistently high throughout the day.
We ensure our staff are trained to identify 3rd party issues such as broken fixtures, safety issues, faulty lights etc and feed this back to the Supervisor to ensure they are actioned by the building management team. Collaboration is such a key part of our delivery across all aspects of our cleaning to ensure the success of working and developing a long term relationship with our clients, buildings and people within them.
Chamberlaine remain our preferred service supplier. After many years they continue to service our most prestigious buildings. Our design-led approach requires an innovative methodology and Chamberlaine’s dedication allows them to consistently find the right solution. I am delighted that they continue to provide an exceptional service.
Paul Williams - Derwent London