Vision Mission Values
Provide London business owners with a future of exceptionally clean yet chemical-free working environments, delivering ultimate customer care and cleaning excellence.
To lead the UK cleaning services industry through innovation and collaboration.
To continuously source effective, creative and eco-friendly cleaning solutions.
To inspire optimism, professionalism and fun in Chamberlaine staff ethos.
To generate excellent and trustworthy client relations
To make an impactful difference to the environment with low carbon footprint decisions.
To be our customers favourite outsourced office service.
Chamberlaine’s top priorities and core values are;
Excellence: We pride ourselves on delivering the best customer cleaning contract service in London.
Integrity: Our staff manage and connect with our customers on a high and respectful level of understanding.
Team work: Chamberlaine staff are resourceful, honourable and intuitive to each other.
Innovation: Always seeking to source the latest products, solutions and initiatives that reflect our love of sustainable living and working.
Over many years, Chamberlaine have consistently provided us with a high level of service, offering solutions and going the extra mile. Their proactive approach to cleaning and maintenance, together with their friendly staff, has meant working with their team has always been a pleasure, and I've had no hesitation in recommending them to clients.
Hugh Holt MRICS - Frederick Holt & Company Limited